Goa Deputy Chief Minister Chandrakant Babu Kavlekar who has been accused by the opposition of sendingporn clips to a WhatsApp group of social activists, has now filed a police complaint alleging that his phone was hacked. The message from his phone allegedly went to the group after midnight on Sunday. Chandrakant Kavlekar has said in his complaint to the cyber police that the clip was sent to the WhatsApp group from his phone when he was nowhere near the phone and fast asleep. He has claimed that some miscreants had sent a video with obscene content to a WhatsApp group called Villages of Goa. In another complaint, the women's unit of the Goa Forward Party has called for an FIR against him. Kavlekar switched from the Congress to the BJP last year and was rewarded with the number two post in the government.
#GoaDeputyCM #ChandrakantBabuKavlekar #GoaObsceneClipRow